Thursday, November 20, 2008

what is the problem?

John Maxwell says that "everything rises and falls on leadership."

So, when you have a challenge with a staff of your church, when people aren't getting the vision, when leaders are not stepping up, when people aren't giving, when the word is getting out of the four walls; there is one place that you need to the leadership.

If you are at an established Church, it may be a deacon board or some lady who has been at the church for 40 years who is the actual leader of the church.

But, in a church is you. You have got to be the one God uses to bring about results.

What are you doing to see that God's call on your life is being carried out. How are you equipping people to carry our their role, how are sharing the vision, how are leading people to step up to the plate, how generous are you and how are you explaining why people should be, how are you spreading the word and how are you pushing people in that direction?

EVERYTHING rises on falls on the leader.

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