Monday, November 10, 2008


There are a lot words that can be used to describe what I experienced this past Sunday night. It was one of the most incredible things that I have ever been a part of and most certainly was a marker in the journey that our church family is on.

We began the night by baptizing three people. All three of them were people who did not grow up in church and haven't lived the cookie cutter do good life. They were people who were living but have now become ALIVE!

Later, we celebrated and prayed for Tripp Battle ( our pastoral intern) and his wife Joy as they confirmed to our church that they feel called to serve God vocationally. Our desire is to be able to equip and send them to plant a life-giving church wherever God leads them.

The night ended with us worshiping God through communion. The life that Jesus Christ lived and gave up for us, was a great ending note.

It is incredible to see God use a guy who believes that Christ is THE WAY and doesn't really know what he is doing in leading the church!

Mosaic, let's celebrate and keep reaching out to those who are in need of Salvation!

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