Monday, July 28, 2008

responding to criticism

When someone begins to criticise me or a an issue arises in a relationship, there is a simple process that I follow in order to make things right.

Step 1: I evaluate my life. I check to see if there is something related to the issue that I need to get in line with God. Usually there is.

Step 2: I evaluate (not judge) the other person and see if there is any black/white issue that shows they are clearly not following God.

Step 3: I ask someone that I trust about the issue. They usually point out something I can work on as well.

Step 4: I pray about resolving the issue.

Step 5: I attempt to resolve the issue. Start with you heart! Tell them where you desire the relationship to be.

This has been very helpful to me over the past year. I encourage you to follow this or come up with a process to handle relationship issues in your life.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Who are you preaching to?

This is a blog of pastor Steven Furtick. Steven is a guy who God is using to make a huge impact for His kingdom.

Who are you preaching to?
July 22nd, 2008

When I’m preparing my messages, I have a specific audience in mind.It’s a guy who is coming to Elevation for the first time this week. In fact, this will be his first time in church in years, and he’s far from God. His friend kept inviting him until, one Sunday-this coming Sunday as a matter of fact-he’s decided to give it a try. Of course, there are hundreds of people who resemble this description who attend Elevation every week-men, women, boys and girls…and when I stand to preach, I narrow down my audience, picture this person in my mind, and let it fly.
Yes, it’s my responsibility to edify those who already know Christ through my preaching, and to feed and disciple the flock of God. But I’ll always tilt the playing field toward the guy or gal who is far from God. Eternity hangs in the balance for them.That’s why I’m so basic sometimes, rather than parsing Greek and demonstrating exegetical competency ad infinitum.That’s why I scream loudly and look like I’m on the verge of exploding at random points in my sermon every single week, every single service.
For those that serve at Elevation, picture that guy this coming Sunday as you do what you do. It puts it all in perspective.

you can check out Steven's blogs at

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

a lack of communication leads to a lot of speculation

Communication is so important. Many experts agree that communication issues are the #1 reason for divorce. Organizations have crumbled because of people not getting important information. Wars have begun because of miscommunication.

We must do our part to clearly communicate in whatever capacity we are in, professionally or personally.

If we do not communicate what we are feeling, why we did something, or what we are about to do; our spouse, co-workers, friends, will begin to speculate as to what is going on.

PS: Believers need to communicate that they are imperfect people in love with a perfect God or people will begin to speculate. This is a communication issue that carries an eternal significance!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

camp swampy rat...

...was amazing. I met some great students, several of whose life was changed eternally this week. I enjoyed hanging out with one of my good friends and mentors.

I love who God is shaping me to be, even though I am so unworthy of it!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I have the privelege of hanging out at a camp in Branford, (5 miles south of the middle of nowhere) Florida with the middle schoolers of South Biscayne Church.

The level of excellence that the staff and volunteers do everything at is incredible. From the music and planning to cleaning and small details, everything that they do, is on a "whole nutha level".

This is very refreshing it tends to be hard to find people to serve without a lot of selfishness and attitude of "but I want to do it this way".

Let's serve God and the people he puts in leadership with all of our heart!

Friday, July 11, 2008


Even though I love my job, my vacation went by really, really fast. I cannot imagine what it would be like dreading to go back to work.

Many people hate what they spend most of their time doing. I cannot imagine that being what God desires for our lives.

Is your life fulfilling? If not, what is holding you back?

We all tend to blame people and situations for our unhappiness when God usually has given us control of our own lives.