Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Who are you preaching to?

This is a blog of pastor Steven Furtick. Steven is a guy who God is using to make a huge impact for His kingdom.

Who are you preaching to?
July 22nd, 2008

When I’m preparing my messages, I have a specific audience in mind.It’s a guy who is coming to Elevation for the first time this week. In fact, this will be his first time in church in years, and he’s far from God. His friend kept inviting him until, one Sunday-this coming Sunday as a matter of fact-he’s decided to give it a try. Of course, there are hundreds of people who resemble this description who attend Elevation every week-men, women, boys and girls…and when I stand to preach, I narrow down my audience, picture this person in my mind, and let it fly.
Yes, it’s my responsibility to edify those who already know Christ through my preaching, and to feed and disciple the flock of God. But I’ll always tilt the playing field toward the guy or gal who is far from God. Eternity hangs in the balance for them.That’s why I’m so basic sometimes, rather than parsing Greek and demonstrating exegetical competency ad infinitum.That’s why I scream loudly and look like I’m on the verge of exploding at random points in my sermon every single week, every single service.
For those that serve at Elevation, picture that guy this coming Sunday as you do what you do. It puts it all in perspective.

you can check out Steven's blogs at

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