Saturday, November 29, 2008

BJ Head

Yes that is his real name.

I thought that is was very fitting to conclude this five part blog series with BJ. BJ first attended mosaic about five months ago. He and his girlfriend at the time chose mosaic because they wanted to go to a church that was not all about tradition and where they knew they would not be judged (they actually heard about us from visiting shoreline). Since then BJ has surrendered his life to Christ and been baptized. He is also serving every week with our greeting/parking team and is faithful in participating in many things that we do as a church family.

This week I got a call from BJ asking for some advice on a commentary to help him understand the Word more as he reads. This is a point that many life-long "Christians" haven't gotten to in their walk.

I am so encouraged by BJ and his hunger for Christ to be in control of every aspect of his life. I am thankful to be a witness to what God is doing.

BJ is why we started mosaic church.

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