Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bill Zuhlke

Bill is one of the seven original partners of mosaic church. We actually had our first two months of Bible study at Bill and Debbie's house. Bill is also the "church adminstrator" and really handles all of the finances (along with the finance team) and records for the Church. In addition to this roll, Bill and his wife have done/are doing numerous things for our church. He pulls the trailer every Sunday mornings, they print the bulletins every week, they help greet, and I could go on and on.

Bill is also not afraid to respectfully question decisions that I make as the leader of our church and hold me accountable to the vision that God has given me.

I know that Bill has a true desire to see mosaic church grow and reach out to our community and world. Bill does not do all of these things for recognition, he does them for the eternal reward of seeing people's lives changed!

It is a blessing to have someone like Bill working alongside me and for all that he does, I am truly thankful!


Tripp Battle said...

Bill really is amazing!!! But on a more serious note... "What exactly is in Bill's mug???" lol

Anonymous said...

The big picture isn't always as bad as what it seems. For instance, look at the economy. Everyone thinks that it is horrible, depression, etc. Not true. Most people don't realize how much money there is out there. During economic times like this, there is more money to be had than ever. Because of the bailouts and economy, lenders are bending over backwards to bail you out too. Believe it or not, there is people getting tons of cheap money nowdays to start businesses, buy homes, pay off debt, and more. I'm using it for investment! Bailouts for Everyone

Anonymous said...

Yeah... I have to admit, Bill is one awesome guy.