Monday, August 18, 2008


Without boundaries it is easy to get hurt.

It is ridiculous how we live our life as if there are no boundaries for anything. We eat as much as we want, drink as much as we want, have sex with whomover we want, buy whatever we want, and so on and so on.

God says that when we do not have self control we are setting ourselves up for destruction. (Proverbs 25:28).

As Christians we have to realize that God's boudaries for our life are to protect us. When I was young we had several dogs and we urged them to not cross the road. However there were things that they desired across the road and even though they had it good, they had to go for what they wanted. The result of them living their life in a way that constantly crossed the boundaries ended up being harmful and sometimes fatal.

We become like animals when we lose self control. When we live our lives in this way the result is harmful and somtimes fatal.

but the fruit of the spirit is..................self control

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