Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Beginning this week I will put follow up thoughts on the message from the previous Sunday.

We tend to wonder why things in our life are the way they are or how we got ourselves into this mess. The bible clearly teaches that we reap what we sow (Gal 6:7). The reason that we see our selves in financial, marital, work trouble is usually because of the things that we have planted in our life; selfishness, pride, laziness, etc. WE ALWAYS REAP WHAT WE SOW.

But what about when it seems like people are living their life the way they want and there is no consequences? It also seems like i try to do right and then things bad happen. Farmers don't plant seeds and expect to see vegetables come up that day. When you plant seeds (good or bad) the results come later. I got my life right, I quit my job, moved to bible college, got engaged to an amazing girl, and then.................found out I had some debt. I had to pay that debt off at a time that I was planning to get married and money was tight. That was not cool! My first inclination, was to question God why He would let that happen and then I was slapped back into the reality that I was just having to deal with a consequence from something that I had done in my life. WE ALWAYS REAP LATER THAN WE SOW.

I will admit that it sometimes seem that "punishments are harsher than the crime." But I also see God do way more than I deserve when I try to do something for Him. When we give God the best portion of our crop, he takes that and plants seeds from it in our lives which reap an amazing blessing. WE ALWAYS REAP MORE THAN WE SOW.

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