Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The first ever Mosaic 5k will be this saturday!

Time - 8:30am (show up early to register)

Where - Old Spanish Trail Park, Crestview.

What - 5k run/walk.  kids fun run.  raffle with ton's of amazing prizes (i;e resort getaways, para sailing, etc)

How much - $20 for the 5K, $10 for the kids fun run

Why - All proceeds will be split 50/50 between "The Crestview Pregnancy Center" and Building a well in Mali, Africa.

We already have over 170 registrations!  This is going to be an incredible time and all of the money is going towards some great causes!

I hope to see you there!

1 comment:

Steve said...

Our group, Great Southern Humanist Society, is participating in a "Relay For Life" effort on May 2, 2009, which is an all night event at the Biloxi High School (from 6am -6pm).

We are just a little bit short of our goal and would like to appeal to the hearts and minds of all concerned human beings who want to see a cure for cancer in our lifetime.

Please help us help others!

Thanks for anything y'all can do for this great cause.

Thoughtfully yours,
