Friday, September 19, 2008

it's not about you

This is one of the most popular phrases in contemporary christian culture. "It's not about you" is the opening line in Rick Warren's best selling book, The Purpose Driven Life.

Since Warren wrote this book, it has been the desire of many Christians to get non-believers to come to the personal realization that "it's not about you." So you should stop living for yourself and join other believers in worship of the one true God!

Then, this person decides to check out a local church (maybe even an accepting, cutting edge, "seeker sensitive" church) and decides to stick around for a while. They give their life to Christ, they show others their new found faith, they start to get involved and grow closer to some of those who invited them for many years.

Then as they get to know these people they come to a new realization that is shocking, confusing, challenging, hypocritical, etc, etc! For those believers faith and church actually is all about you!

Now, instead of being part of mainstream society and involved with people they naturally click with more; They put aside their living for self and now attend a church with people (they don't even like that much) who are completely living for self.

Worship is all about the songs that they like. They sermon is all about whether or not it was deep enough (whatever that means). Giving is all about making sure their money is used the way they think it should be. Serving is all about the their personal agenda. Church is all about themselves!

I wonder why many people leave the church within their first year of conversion. Let's just keep blaming it on their salvation not being real - that way we don't have to change anything about ourselves.

I realize that their are some great people of the faith that love Jesus with all their heart. I serve at mosaic church of crestview alongside some incredible examples of this.

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