Wednesday, September 3, 2008

do i have to go to church?

People say that it is not a sin to "go to church." They are right. If you live your life under the law then it doesn't really matter if you "go to church".

Paul said in Galatians 2:21 that if righteousness comes by the law, then Christ died in vain. Christ died so that we could be freed from the law and live in the grace of God. So now God desires that we follow his heart (or righteousness). Jesus lived a life without sin because he followed the heart of God and continually sought God's will in his life.

According to Hebrews 10:24-25 - It is God's desire that believers meet together as did the church in acts. So if you are a follower of Christ then assembling with other believers is a fruit of your life.

We don't HAVE to "go to church" but God wants us to so that we can stir up love and good works.

So you choose to live under the law or to live according to the heart of God!

This applies to many other issues as well.

1 comment:

eric m said...

amen amen! seriously though, thats awesome stuff bro.