Thursday, October 16, 2008


The most common thing that Christians refuse to give to God is their money. People say that they love God with everything they have, but refuse to obey Him and sacrifice finances. They blame pastors, churches, situations, and who knows what else.

But the reality is that God doesn't hold us accountable for others actions, He holds us accountable for our devotion to Him. According to the Bible, we are robbing God by not sacrificially giving to the Church as an act of worship.

"Tithing" has changed my character. It can change yours.

Don't rob yourself of the joy of trusting God financially.

PS: Don't blame God for you financial situation if you haven't put it in His hands.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great insight! I know personally from experience how hard it can be to give to the church when your in college, with a baby, and in bad debt. Brittany and I both prayed that we would have faith no matter what to continue to give our tithes and we truly have been blessed!