Monday, June 30, 2008

i may not be happy but at least i have joy?

I have heard a lot of people make statements similar to this one, "Things are very difficult right now and even though I may not be happy, at least I have joy."

But I wonder if that is really how joy works. I know that circumstance aren't always great and that things that happen to us may give us great reason to be unhappy, but......................

doesn't the fact that today was created by God give us reason to rejoice?
Joy is defined as "an excessive delight or happiness in something that is exceedingly great."

So shouldn't we still be happy if we have joy. Obviously times of pain are difficult and it is reasonable that we all lose focus of what life is really about. But should we as people with an overwhelming hope in Christ's return ever have reason to not be optimistic?

Shouldn't our phrase be : Even though these difficulties give me reason to be unhappy, I am happy because I have joy!

Tell me what you think!

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