Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Emmanuel Baptist Church

One of the churches that I would consider being a part of if I were not at mosaic, would be Emmanuel Baptist or EBC as their "members" call it.   Here is why:

Pastor Mark Seagle is a great guy.  He has a huge heart to develop leaders and a passion to help the helpless.  He is in tune with culture, which is unique for a pastor in Crestview.  
(No offense to the other guys doing their thing.  Keep following Jesus and lead how you think you should.)

Their music is modern (but a lot less loud than mosaic's.)

Their children's ministry is the largest in Crestview.  They have amazing crowds of little kids on Sunday and Wednesday nights.  There seems to be a great opportunity for your child to have fun while learning about Christ. 

Their student ministry is so solid.  Led by Ian (an unbelievably passionate dude) and several strong student leaders.  Ian thinks they can change the world and I believe they are working to do so.  

Sure, EBC has weaknesses and so does Mosaic and every other church.  If I were "church shopping" I would realize that the perfect church I dream of only exists in Heaven. 

So if Mosaic isn't your thing, check out EBC.



Anonymous said...

The pastor at Emmanuel is wack. No way would I go there! Yeah, thanks for the props James. You are one beautiful fella. Seagle

Kingdomsaint said...

I would choose a church strictly on their love of training themselves to be a disciple of Jesus. No church is perfect, but Jesus' church is here and they are the ones that submit to Jesus' teachings, know the truth, and are free (John 8:31-32). They are the ones who worship the Father in Spirit and truth (John 4:23-24) and prepare other people for Jesus' return. It's not about following people but Jesus. Follow people as they follow Jesus!